The Changing Face of Healthcare

By: Sheryl Finley

Over the past ten years, an interesting phenomenon has taken place. The general practitioner doctor has slowly been replaced by the licensed “nurse practitioner” (NP) or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in many medical facilities throughout the United States.

Additionally, NPs are not only fulfilling a need in the general practice sector, they are also working independently of physicians in 21 states (along with the District of Columbia), and have been granted prescriptive rights in all 50 states (along with the District of Columbia).

What does this mean for small business owners? Well, for starters, this monumental change may result in lower healthcare costs, which should lessen the financial burden on small enterprises to adequately protect the health and welfare of their workers. Additionally, it creates new “niche” markets where small businesses may be able to provide customized services and products to cater to NPs and APRNs, as their practices and responsibilities continue to expand. Either way, we believe that this transformation in the medical community is a positive step and will eventually help to minimize healthcare costs in the business sector. For now, we will continue to monitor this trend in the hopes that it will lead to better healthcare options for our employees and more business opportunities for entrepreneurs.